The 80/20 Rule in Retail Link
Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923) was an Italian economist who noticed, in 1906, that 80% of Italy’s wealth was held by 20% of the population. Over the years, more and more people noticed that more...
READ MOREResources, articles, and podcasts that focus on the needs and interests of suppliers working with Walmart or aspiring to do so.
Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923) was an Italian economist who noticed, in 1906, that 80% of Italy’s wealth was held by 20% of the population. Over the years, more and more people noticed that more...
READ MOREIt’s the first week in December, so you’re focused on the holidays. In fact, a lot of us can’t see past the holidays at all. Whether you’re exulting over your holiday sales,...
READ MORE Walmart is celebrating 50 years of service this year. A lot of things have changed since 1962, and the relationship between the buyer and the seller is certainly one of...
READ MORECreating a PowerPoint presentation for a meeting with your buyer is not quite the same as making a presentation for a large meeting. There’s no public performance going on, you don’t have...
READ MOREOne of the differences between Walmart and other retailers is that Walmart tells suppliers exactly what’s expected of them. As a result, Walmart requires a higher level of accountability from...
READ MORESam Walton wanted to share lots of information with Walmart’s suppliers Lots of information. Walmart systems has about 583 terabytes of information, while the Library of Congress contains about...
READ MOREMarket Basket Analysis, part of the Retail Link data available to Walmart Suppliers, looks at what’s know as “association rules” in shopping: what items are bought together....
READ MOREWalmart knows big data. Walmart owns big data. But Walmart hasn’t been sharing its data much for the past decade. Nielsen, the consumer information giant, calls the willingness of most...
READ MORE“I’m a new Walmart vendor,” began a recent caller to our office. “What classes should I take?” Good question. We at 8th & Walton offer a range of courses for Walmart...
READ MOREThe Doing Business in Bentonville speaker series will present Greg Chandler, Senior Marketing Director – Customer Engagement for Walmart, speaking on “Walmart Mobile Retail – How...