Puzzled because you are doing well on but not on
Worried about your e-commerce business?
Wondering what you can and cannot control on Uneasy because of all the recent changes?

Talk with our e-commerce experts in a free fifteen-minute consultation to evaluate your needs.

At no cost to you, we will evaluate your e-commerce listings and suggest next steps.

Who should request this assessment:

  • Suppliers in General Merchandise and Grocery
  • Sales managers, account managers, marketing VPs, e-commerce directors
  • To speak with an e-commerce advisor, simply complete the form below.

    If after our assessment we recommend working together, keep in mind that the 8th & Walton e-commerce team can put you in the best position to succeed — based on today’s reality.

    We have helped dozens of Walmart suppliers improve their online sales dramatically.

    Here are examples of our successes from three suppliers we recently helped:

  • Moved from Slot 35 to Slot 1
  • Increased sales from $200/wk to $5,000/wk
  • Was told by buyer, “You are my best supplier.”
  • Under our guidance, you can boost your rankings and increase your online sales. Many suppliers who have worked with our advisors have improved their relationships with their Walmart buyers; some have even become advisor leaders.

    In a quick turn-around of under two weeks, 8th & Walton’s e-commerce team provides you with valuable direction.
    They will:

  • Apply the algorithms used for your item to improve your item’s ranking
  • Analyze how higher-ranking competitors use keywords and use that knowledge to improve your SEO
  • Provide concrete recommendations for increasing review submissions
  • Evaluate your category selection so you reach your target customer